Cigar enthusiasts have long flocked to the rich smoking experiences of Oliva Cigars, known for offering highly flavorful cigars centered around Nicaraguan tobaccos. This holds true with the Oliva Serie O Maduro cigar, a maduro-wrapped variant of Oliva's popular Oliva Serie O cigar.
Like the traditional Oliva Serie O, the darker Oliva Serie O Maduro cigar incorporates the fiery tendencies of Nicaraguan tobacco throughout the binder and filler. But the Oliva Serie O Maduro cigar swaps out the Ecuadorian natural wrapper for a hearty Connecticut Broadleaf cover, amounting to a dark and gritty performance.
What does the Oliva Serie O Maduro cigar taste like?
This cigar offers a familiar experience to its light-wrapped sibling, only veering into grittier flavors, due to the cigar's maduro wrapper. This includes a medium body and standout flavors of freshly tilled soil, charred oak, black coffee, and cinnamon.