Oliva Serie O is a classic staple in many cigar hobbyists humidors worldwide. The blend is in the mid-tier for Oliva, showcasing their skill at blending Nicaraguan tobaccos to offer satisfying flavor while keeping prices in line with the everyday, “Joe 6-pack” enthusiast.
Oliva Cigar Company has become known for their Nicaraguan profiles over the years, and Serie O is the quintessence of this style within the Oliva portfolio. Using the same Habano seed, Oliva builds complexity into this all-Nicaraguan cigar by planting the seed in strategic regions of Nicaragua. Each region offers a unique profile from differences in soil and climate, with the Serie O focusing on Nicaragua’s Estelí, Condega, and Jalapa regions—encompassing the most famed areas for tobacco growth in the country.
Using the time-honored tradition of puro blending, Oliva Serie O showcases a flavorful and surprisingly complex experience that is hard to come by in this price range ($5). The cigars are medium-bodied and display notes of aged tobacco, cedar, barnyard hay, peppercorn spice, and light-roast coffee.