Oliva Serie G Maduro debuted in the mid-2000s as a dark-wrapped complimentary blend to the original Oliva Serie G, which has become one of the most popular selections in the world of premium cigars since its launch.
Like its sister cigar, the Oliva Serie G Maduro makes use of Nicaraguan Habano-seed tobaccos throughout the cigar's binder and filler. As expected, the blends part ways in the wrapper department, with the Maduro switching gears from the Cameroon leaf of the original in favor of a much heartier Connecticut Broadleaf maduro selection. The result is a similar medium-intensity core with a bit more grit up front. Oliva Serie G Maduro opens up with big earthy character, unwinding to include black pepper, espresso, molasses bread, and a dark/sweet fruit jam lying beneath the surface.