Since debuting in 2008, NUb cigars have become a mainstay in premium cigar humidors across the country. The cigars fall under the Studio Tobac wing of Oliva Cigar Co., where the company showcases its most experimental cigar styles. With NUb, the cigars aim to deliver the sweet spot from first light to final puff. Most smokers will agree that the average cigar has a portion—be it the first, second, or final third—that performs above the others. Why not simply deliver that from start to finish?
With NUb Cameroon, this philosophy makes its way to the spicy-sweet style of Cameroon. The cigars boast the Oliva's famed Nicaraguan tobacco throughout the binder and filler, being topped with an exotic African Cameroon wrapper. This is a rare, toothy leaf that is known for bringing out a refined smoking experience, loaded with zesty elements and backed with just the right dousing of sweetness. When rolled in the iconic NUb formats, the cigars offer a balanced, medium-bodied performance, showing standout flavors of red pepper flakes, fiery earth, maple, roasted nuts, and cinnamon.