The New World Double Corona cigar by AJ Fernandez, known as "prominente" in Cuba, is a big cigar that offers smokers a 7.5” x 55 size - much thicker than traditional double corona cigars. This larger format gives you over 2 hours to enjoy a premium cigar smoking experience.
New World Double Corona delivers a long-lasting medium-full bodied flavor profile - covered in a rich, dark Nicaraguan oscuro wrapper for a bold taste, blended with aged premium Nicaraguan binders & fillers that produce notes of coffee with hints of dried fruit & roasted nuts. The red and cream-colored cigar band displays a motif of Christopher Columbus - a nod to his discovery of tobacco in the New World. This cigar comes in a box of 21 hand-rolled cigars.
If you are looking for the best double corona cigars, you have definitely found one of the best boxes of double corona cigars online. AJ Fernandez New World Double Corona is in stock and available always at a discounted great price, just for you!
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