The New World Dorado cigar debuted in 2022 to widespread critical acclaim, receiving a host of 90-plus ratings and placing on various Cigars of the Year lists. The cigar is the fifth addition to the fan-favorite New World line from AJ Fernandez Cigar Co., making use of new tobaccos from AJ Fernandez's Dorado tobacco farm of Estelí throughout the cigar's recipe. This is where the cigar gets its name, as the unique soil of the Dorado farm (translating to Golden) is gold in appearance, differing significantly from the traditionally black soil of Estelí. This makes for a unique smoking experience, offering a new take on familiar tobaccos of Nicaragua.
What do the New World Dorado cigars taste like?
The AJF New World Dorado cigars are bright and floral in character, boasting a medium-plus intensity and memorable flavors of baking spices, aromatic florals, and a unique ginger spicy-sweet quality through the finish. With the New World Dorado Sampler, cigar enthusiasts have the opportunity to experience a wide range of sizes within the New World Dorado line. Each size varies slightly in draw, intensity, and overall smoke time, allowing for a comprehensive feel for this acclaimed cigar from Master Blender AJ Fernández.