In craft-minded circles, many will contend that 2014 was the breakout year for AJ Fernandez Cigar Company, spurred on by the value-priced New World cigar. The blend was notable for far outperforming its modest $5 price range, and the cigar was followed shortly thereafter with a Connecticut Shade variant. These fan-favorites were later joined by the more premium New World Puro Especial, with each cigar focusing on Fernández's own Nicaraguan tobaccos, as well as the inspiration from the 1492 discovery of Cuba (and, subsequently, tobacco).
Introducing the AJ Fernandez New World Cameroon Selection, turning the former three-part collection into a fully fleshed four-part masterpiece! As the title suggests, New World Cameroon Selection focuses on the unique properties of the prized African Cameroon tobacco, incorporated as the cigar's wrapper. The remainder of the blend is built from all-nicaraguan leaves, harvested from A.J.'s famed tobacco farms. The end result is medium in body, focusing on the spicy-sweet characteristics afforded by the Cameroon leaf. Expect to find flavors of red pepper, caramel, freshly cut hardwoods, roasted nuts, maple sweetness, and freshly roasted coffee beans.
Don't ask us how he does it, but A.J. miraculously pulls together yet another value-priced home run—one that could easily compete with cigars costing twice as much!