While the fan-favorite San Lotano Oval cigar may have put AJF Cigar Company on the map in 2011, modern enthusiasts are probably more familiar with the company's New World cigar, launching in 2014.
For this obnoxiously affordable blend, famed cigar artisan A.J. Fernández co-blended the cigar with his father, Ismael. The concept focuses on Columbus' discovery of the New World and, as a result, the introduction of tobacco to the rest of civilization in the 1500s.
As with many other Fernández-made products, New World manages to far outperform the cigar's humble price point, making it a staple selection in personal humidors ever since the blend debuted. The cigar makes use of a Nicaraguan puro blend, using a dark Nicaraguan wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder from the Jalapa region (Nicaragua's sweetest region), and fillers from the country's three remaining growing regions (Condega, Estelí, and the island of Ometepe). Smokers can expect a medium/full body and full flavors of oak, chocolate, black pepper, coffee beans, and an underlying ripe fruit sweetness.