Since debuting the original My Father cigar in 2008—crafted by Jaime García for his father, José “Pepin” García—the brand has steadily expanded over the years to include a full stable of smoking experiences, ranging from mild to full in body.
Among the many My Father variations is La Gran Oferta, a vintage brand that has been revived for the modern era. The cigar, which translates to mean "The Great Offering," was originally sold around 1913, and the Garcías have brought back as much from the vintage product as possible, including the label's original artwork.
As with all García-made cigars, La Gran Oferta is built around a core of Nicaraguan tobaccos, which are grown on the family's own farms. The filler leaves are secured in a Cuban-seed binder and finished with an exceptionally oily, reddish-hued Ecuador Havana wrapper.
This combination produces a medium/full body (described by the Garcías as "three-quarters full"). Expect a traditional smoking experience with loads of rich character and complexity, with flavors ranging from the family's signature black pepper spice, to heavy leather, espresso, toasted oak, and sweet and juicy stone fruit on the finish.