The Fonseca Edition MX cigar by My Father Cigars represents the latest evolution of the historic Fonseca brand. Originally debuting in the late 1800s, the Fonseca brand has undergone several transformations, most notably under the Quesada family in the Dominican Republic. This changed in 2019 when the García family, renowned for their My Father Cigars, acquired the rights to Fonseca. Five years later, the Garcías introduced the Fonseca Edition MX cigar, also known as Fonseca Edición San Andrés, marking a significant expansion to the line.
The Fonseca Edition MX cigar distinguishes itself with a dark Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper, which imparts a rich and complex flavor profile. Beneath this wrapper lies a blend of all-Nicaraguan tobaccos grown on the García family's farms, ensuring the high quality and consistency that My Father Cigars is known for. This combination results in a medium-full bodied cigar that is fuller in intensity compared to the original Fonseca by My Father cigar.
What does the Fonseca Edition MX Toro Gordo cigar taste like?
Rolled in a commanding 6" x 60 gordo size, the Fonseca Edition MX Toro Gordo cigar offers a medium to full-bodied smoking experience with a rich and dynamic flavor profile. The dark Mexican San Andrés wrapper introduces earthy and peppery notes, complemented by the Nicaraguan binder and fillers that contribute nuances of smoked hickory and sweet cocoa. Capable of burning for roughly two hours, this size provides a balanced and satisfying smoke, ideal for those who appreciate complexity and depth in their cigars. With its clean draw and even burn, the Fonseca Edition MX Toro Gordo cigar promises a memorable and indulgent experience.