This is the cigar that started it all, being the first official release from Cuba's star artisan, the now-legendary Don Pepín García. After emigrating from Cuba in the early 2000s, García opened a small store front factory in Cuba's Little Havana neighborhood, launching the Don Pepin Garcia Original cigar shortly thereafter—a favorite smoke in craft circles that has proven itself to stand the test of time.
As with all of García's masterpieces, the DPG Original cigar is composed of Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the filler and double binder. These hearty leaves are wrapped in a highly oily Corojo Oscuro wrapper, combining Pepín's love for full-bodied smoking experiences with some of the best craftsmanship available today.
Q: What does the Don Pepin Garcia Original cigar taste like?
A: Don Pepin Garcia Original cigar is full in flavor and intensity, offering Pepín's signature pepper spice, alongside notes of hickory, leather, orange rind, and punchy cocoa.