Moya cigars come by way of the largest and oldest cigar manufacturer in the United States, J.C. Newman. Moya cigars pay homage to the glory days of bundle cigars made in Tampa pre-embargo. While the region was once a mecca for cigar manufacturing, today, J.C. Newman is the last player standing.
This is a cigar that is rolled for the hard-working blue-collar smoker, offering dependability and affordability in a way that few others can. Moya cigars arrive in two formats: Casadores and Fumas. Each size is rolled using the same blend of long-leaf Dominican tobaccos, finished with either a Habano (Natural) or Broadleaf (Maduro) wrapper selection. The Natural is mild-to-medium in intensity, offering classic flavors of baking spices, toasted bread, and caramel. On the other end of the spectrum is the Maduro, bringing smokers a medium body and flavors of earth, cocoa, and dark-roast coffee.
Whether you prefer the Natural or Maduro, smokers can be assured they're in for a pleasing experience that can be enjoyed day in and day out.