Montecristo—the world's most famous cigar brand—has gone platinum!
Indeed, the world-famous cigar has been retooled to offer higher flavor output, more body, and a signature smooth finish. Traditionally, non-Cuban Montecristo cigars are made in the DR and feature a Dominican-based blend. With the Montecristo Platinum Series, the brand has ventured to the famed San Andrés valley of Mexico, harvesting a San Andrés Cubano wrapper for its rich flavor profile.
The complete blend is quite diverse, stemming from four countries, including Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Peru, and Mexico. Tobaccos from each country (except Mexico) are included in the filler blend, which are bound in a Dominican leaf and finalized in San Andrés Cubano. The resulting smoking experience is rich, smooth, and sophisticated, offering a medium body and flavors of baker's cocoa, black pepper, barnyard, sweet cedar, toasted nuts, and anise/licorice.
It's time to treat your humidor to a little top-shelf class...