We are just going to say it, the Montecristo Espada Signature cigar is a masterpiece of tobacco. From the growing, fermenting, and aging, to the skillful rolling and packaging; this is what premium cigars are all about. The latest offering from Montecristo has been released in a singular limited-edition “Valiente” 6” x 55 vitola.
The Montecristo Espada Signature Valiente cigar is rolled at the Plasencia Cigars factory in Nicaragua, and utilizes the renowned Plasencia tobacco library in its blend. The recipe was crafted in collaboration with the keen eyes of the “Grupo de Maestros,” including master blender Rafael Nodal, who has been the vision behind cigars such as the award-winning Aging Room Quattro Nicaragua.
The Montecristo Espada Signature Valiente cigar is as Nicaraguan as it gets. Starting with its beautifully aged and blended core, grown in the Estelí region and ending with its gorgeous Colorado Claro wrapper from Jalapa. If you love Nicaraguan cigars then this is going to be one you won’t want to miss!
What does the Montecristo Espada Signature Valiente cigar taste like?
Deep and complex, medium-bodied notes of French-press coffee, heavy oak, and supple leather are perfectly accented by bold Nicaraguan spice.