The Montecristo cigar Anniversary Collection features 10 amazing Toro cigars:
2 Montecristo White Toro
2 Montecristo Classic Toro
2 Montecristo Platinum Toro
2 Montecristo Epic Toro
2 Montecristo Epic Vintage Toro
This huge cigar sampler comes with everything but the partridge in a pear tree, and if you love Toro cigars, it will definitely feel like Christmas or maybe your birthday, when you get this delightful collection of cigars! Great as a gift for a cigar lover or just to mix up your cigar routiene and try something new. If you have a favorite, let us know what it is and why in a cigar review! We always appreciate hearing what you think of the cigars that you order online with us! Be a friend, help someone out, and leave a cigar review!