The Menelik cigar was once one of the most limited cigars from Foundation, first debuting in 2016 to be offered only at exclusive events. In 2019, the cigars became a core line for Nick Melillo and his Foundation Cigar Company, and have since expanded to include a larger range of sizes.
The Foundation Menelik cigar is something of a crossover of brands, taking cues from the backstories of both El Güegüense and The Tabernacle. In terms of tobacco, this amounts to a dark and brooding blend, using a Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper, a Corojo '99 binder, and Nicaraguan fillers from each of the country's primary growing regions.
What does the Foundation Menelik Toro cigar taste like?
Coming out of the famed Aganorsa Leaf factory of Nicaragua, the Foundation Menelik Toro cigar is the big brother to the original robusto. Weighing in at a 6" x 52 box-press, the toro offers a longer smoking time of roughly an hour and 35 minutes, boasting a medium-full intensity and maduro-centric flavors of mineral-rich earth, black pepper, toasted oak, buttered pastry, and semi-sweet mocha.