The Macanudo cigar brand has established a reputation for producing smooth and flavorful cigars, and a prime example of this is the Macanudo Vintage 2006 cigar. This golden-hued beauty features a Connecticut Shade wrapper dating back to the 2006 harvest year. Carefully selected and aged, this wrapper—when combined with a meticulous blend of binder and filler tobaccos—results in a mellow and nuanced experience unlike anything you’ve smoked before.
The Vintage series from Macanudo puts rare and expertly aged tobaccos front and center, as evidenced by the vintage wrapper leaves for each of the blends. These wrappers come from special vintage harvests as far back as 1997 (and are no younger than 2010).
To say that the Macanudo Vintage 2006 cigar is a limited-production smoke would be an understatement. Pick yours up today and indulge in a cigar worthy of any aficionado's collection.
What does the Macanudo Vintage 2006 cigar taste like?
Soft and smooth. Bask in crisp, mild-to-medium-bodied notes of dried hay, fresh grass, and cream with an ever-so-slight spice on the finish.