The Macanudo Emissary España cigar is a refined blend that highlights Macanudo’s commitment to luxurious tobaccos. Featuring a rare Havana seed grown in Riolobos, Spain, this cigar benefits from the region’s rocky soil and Mediterranean climate, producing rich, complex leaves. Additionally, the blend incorporates tobacco from four other countries, including Nicaraguan, Colombian, Dominican, and U.S. tobaccos, all aged between five to 10 years, creating a well-balanced and nuanced smoking experience.
Wrapped in a five-year-aged U.S. Connecticut Broadleaf claro leaf and bound by a six-year-aged Nicaraguan Condega binder, the cigar is filled with a complex blend from Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Spain. Each element of the blend is carefully aged to deliver a medium-bodied, smooth smoke with depth and refinement. The precise construction ensures a balanced burn and enhances the cigar’s overall flavor complexity.
What does the Macanudo Emissary España cigar taste like?
Expect a medium-bodied profile with notes of toasted cedar, almonds, and a touch of caramel sweetness. These flavors are complemented by earthy undertones, providing a well-rounded and satisfying smoke. With its balanced blend and consistent burn, the Emissary España cigar pairs perfectly with single malt scotch, espresso, or cognac, making it a distinguished addition to Macanudo’s portfolio for those seeking both elegance and complexity.