Macanudo 1968 was crafted shortly after the Macanudo Cigars brand reached an impressive milestone of 40 years in the premium cigar industry. To celebrate, Macanudo 1968 was born, with the Dominican-based brand (originally of Jamaican origin) introducing a darker, slightly fuller experience for the modern era.
Some say the Macanudo 1968 is a stepping stone for mild cigar smokers, providing the perfect bridge of familiar, smooth and satisfying characteristics with a bit more bite; one that will have smokers craving a darker, more sinister profile. Macanudo 1968 uses Dominican and Nicaraguan (Estelí & Ometepe) tobaccos at the cigar’s core, which are then bound in a Connecticut Habano leaf and further wrapped in a glistening, oily, Honduran San Agustin cover leaf.
Macanudo 1968 showcases a medium-plus body and palate-pleasing notes of bitter/sweet spices, raw tobacco, freshly cut wood, and dark coffee.