First envisioned by legendary cigarmaker Ernesto Perez-Carrillo during his rise to premium-cigar prominence in the late '90s / early 2000s, the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Maduro cigar was the dark-wrapped followup to the original LGC Serie R before it. Together, the cigars helped carve the path for fuller-bodied smoking experiences and hefty ring gauges.
With the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Maduro cigar, Carrillo made use of a dark and gritty Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper; this leaf adorned a Nicaraguan binder and fillers from both Nicaragua and the DR. Today, the cigars are featured in a wide range of sizes, with large sizes such as the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Maduro No. 8 cigar being popular choices due to their long smoking time, voluminous smoke output, and bang-for-your-buck affordability.
What does the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Maduro No. 8 cigar taste like?
The La Gloria Cubana Serie R Maduro No. 8 cigar is among the largest sizes offered in the line, weighing in with a whopping 7" x 70 gordo format! This monster is ready to tackle the day, offering long and smoke-filled sessions of two hours or more. With a smooth draw and booming smoke, the LGC Serie R Maduro No. 8 cigar brings a medium-full intensity and dark, brooding flavors of toasted oak, zesty nutmeg, mocha, and touches of molasses sweetness.