Who introduced large-gauged cigars to the premium cigar scene? Many experts contend that Master Blender Ernesto Perez-Carrillo was largely responsible, introducing a slew of large cigars under the La Gloria Cubana banner during the great cigar boom of the '90s. Cigar smokers wanted more—more strength, more flavor, larger ring gauges—more everything! And La Gloria Cubana helped pave the way.
After the original La Gloria Cubana came the La Gloria Cubana Serie R, an amped-up, critically acclaimed blend that remains a staple in humidors to this day. The La Gloria brand has since expanded outside its Dominican roots, heading to the volcanic soils of Nicaragua with the fiery La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli cigar. Originally debuting in 2013, experts have long hailed this Nicaraguan variant for its striking balance of spice and complexity. This is due to a unique selection of tobaccos from specific farms of Nicaragua, primarily stemming from the Jalapa and, as the name implies, Estelí growing regions. All-Nicaraguan leaves are used throughout the filler, binder, and wrapper, with the latter boasting a high-grade leaf grown in the mountains of Jalapa, dubbed Jalapa Sol.
Q: What does the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli cigar taste like?
A: Earth, spice, and everything nice! Cigar enthusiasts often praise the La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli for its hearty profile of red pepper, earth, classic leather, dark-roast coffee, and roasted nuts.