We love cigars that deliver flavor in spades, and few brands do this better than La Gloria Cubana cigars. Their flagship cigar, the self-titled La Gloria Cubana cigar (created by Master Blender Ernesto Perez-Carillo) is the perfect example of how full-flavored cigars can still be balanced and complex.
La Gloria Cubana cigars take a four-country blend of tobaccos and then wrap them in either a spicy Ecuadorian Sumatra leaf or a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. Each blend delivers a distinctly unique smoking experience that entices with every puff.
If you are looking for a cigar that balances body and strength, then you definitely want to get your hands on the La Gloria Cubana cigar. Be sure to try both wrappers to discover a whole new world of flavor!
What do La Gloria Cubana cigars taste like?
The Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper will delight your taste buds with creamy notes of cocoa, cedar, and leather, with a spicy finish. If you’re in the mood for something a little sweeter, the Connecticut Broadleaf will satisfy your cravings with notes of chocolate, spice, and a rich earthiness throughout.