La Flor Dominicana Ligero is considered by many the cigar that put LFD on the map. Billed as their first full-bodied cigar, LFD Ligero is named for its inclusion of the company's highest priming leaves (ligero) in the cigar's filler, sufficiently amping the experience up to a level not often attained by conventional Dominican cigars.
In addition to the LFD Ligero's potent ligero, the blend showcases all-Dominican leaves—each harvested from LFD's own Dominican farms—throughout the filler and binder. This core recipe is then finished in an especially oily Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper (as well as additional wrapper variations that came in the years following, such as maduro, etc.). The end result is one of the most iconic smoking experiences to come out of the modern era of premium cigar craftsmanship. Along with the LFD Ligero's notorious strength, smokers can expect rich, classic flavors of leather, earth, zesty cabinet spices, toasted rye bread, cinnamon, roasted chestnuts, and dark-roast coffee.