In 2016, parent company of General Cigar, Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG), launched a new suite of value-priced cigars for the matured palates of cigar hobbyists. One such brand was La Estrella Cubana, being sold in both Habano and Connecticut varieties. The name translates to The Cuban Star, alluding to the cigars' old-school nature.
What does the La Estrella Cubana Habano cigar taste like?
Being rolled in Nicaragua, the La Estrella Cubana Habano cigar offers a zesty Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, Honduran binder, and all-Nicaraguan fillers. This makes for a Cubanesque smoking experience with dependable construction and good flavor output. Expect a medium-plus body, kicking off with cedar and peppered toast and leading into solid notes of roasted nuts and natural sweetness.