La Barba Ricochet marked the first new core-line release from La Barba Cigars in years, debuting in 2018 with a striking appearance and a background stemming from wine culture. Hobbyists may better know this brand as Primitivo, as the cigars were originally named (changed due to trademark issues). This original title alludes to the cigar's unique blending style, where company founder, Tony Bellatto, harkened back to his days as a sommelier, seeking to showcase a smoking profile on par with that of the Primitivo wine style (a variety similar to Zinfandel).
Fittingly, La Barba Ricochet launched as the company's first maduro offering, taking cues from the dark, sweet, full-bodied nature of Primitivo wine. To accomplish the task, Bellatto draped the cigar in a Mexican San Andrés wrapper. This leaf was then supported by an Indonesian binder and a diverse filler recipe of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Pennsylvanian origins. The end result is fittingly bold, offering an earthy core and complimentary shades of sweet chocolate, cream, dark-roast coffee, punchy pepper, and loads of ripe cherries.