La Aurora is famous (at least in the world of premium cigars) for being the oldest factory in the Dominican Republic. The company dates back to 1903, when Eduardo León Jimenes established his own cigar factory in Guazumal at the young age of 18. Eduardo came from a family of tobacco growers and realized the potential of vertical integration, crafting premium cigars for the local Dominican market.
Now more than 115 years old, La Aurora has expanded from its original six employees to over a thousand; bringing premium cigars to five continents! In its early days, La Aurora became known for its double perfectos (which the company termed "preferidos"), showcasing an attractive, shapely cigar that was tapered at each end. This style has been carried over to today's La Aurora, with the company's tubo-packaged Preferidos being some of the most recognizable cigars in the world. But the company has since expanded to include many other critically acclaimed cigars, honoring their many achievements with cigars such as La Aurora 107 (celebrating the company's 107th anniversary), La Aurora Corojo 1962 (marking the year the company began utilizing Corojo-seed tobacco), and La Aurora DNA (showcasing an ancient tobacco technique known as Andullo).
More than 115 years experience is not something to be taken lightly; experience what can be achieved when generations-old knowledge and technique are executed flawlessly.