It's no secret that La Aurora is the oldest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, first opening its doors in 1903. In celebration of the company's 120th anniversary, La Aurora introduced the 120 Anniversary cigar in 2023.
The La Aurora 120 Anniversary cigar plays to the company's strengths, featuring Dominican tobaccos throughout the entirety of the blend. This begins with a refined Dominican Habano '92 wrapper, extending over a Dominican Olor binder and diverse selections of Piloto Cubano, Olor, and Corojo throughout the all-Dominican filler.
What does the La Aurora 120 Anniversary cigar taste like?
About as refined and luxurious as you might expect from a 120th-anniversary blend! Said to be "a product of teamwork to a degree we had never accomplished before," the La Aurora 120 Anniversary is a medium-plus experience that caters to nuanced flavor and complexity through the finish. The cigar begins bold and gradually pulls back to reveal balanced flavors of toasted cedar, gentle pepper, cinnamon, and bright coffee bean.