As an OG player in the realm of boutique cigars, Kristoff has built a solid stable of premium cigars over the years, offering up a flavor profile and adequate body intensity for virtually every palate on the marketplace.
Operating in the medium-bodied, Cubanesque end of the spectrum is the Kristoff Sumatra cigar. As the name implies, this smoke is defined by its signature Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper component. Underneath lies a Brazilian binder and Cuban-seed fillers of Nicaragua and the DR. The blend is hand crafted by the skilled rollers of the Charles Fairmorn Factory in the Dominican Republic, boasting pigtail caps and dependable construction for everyday smoking sessions.
What does the Kristoff Sumatra cigar taste like?
The Kristoff Sumatra cigar smokes like old world charm with a modern punch. The cigar is medium bodied and brimming with zesty flavor, including loads of cabinet spice, cedar, and toasted caramel.