Within the Kristoff Cigars portfolio, there is both the Kristoff Connecticut cigar and the Kristoff Shade Grown cigar, offering two unique expressions of the famed Connecticut wrapper style. While the former showcases the milder tendencies of Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf, the latter seeks to bring out a more unexpected profile through the use of a Honduran-grown Connecticut wrapper.
Darker than conventional Connecticuts and mottled in tone, this Connecticut wrapper brings with it more body than expected. This is due, in part, to the blend's inner recipe, showcasing a Cuban-seed Dominican binder and fillers of Nicaragua and the DR. Like all Kristoff cigars, the Kristoff Shade Grown cigar is expertly rolled at the boutique-style Charles Fairmorn Factory in the Dominican Republic, with each cigar boasting a covered foot and well-made pigtail caps.
What does the Kristoff Shade Grown cigar taste like?
The Kristoff Shade Grown cigar is medium bodied and equal parts earthy and sweet in character. With a smooth texture, enthusiasts will find enjoyable flavors of barnyard hay, table cream, roasted pumpkin seeds, and touches of sweet malt.