Not only is "Kristoff Kristania" flat-out fun to say, but this budget-friendly offering from Kristoff Cigars is a no-brainer purchase for the flavor-craved cigar enthusiast.
Kristoff Cigars have been a popular selection within boutique circles of the cigar community for some time, showcasing fine-tuned craftsmanship and intense flavor profiles. This holds true with the Kristoff Kristania cigar, being rolled at the same Charles Fairmorn Factory in the Dominican Republic. But with prices in the $5–$6 range, cigar hobbyists can stock up on these oily beauties to their heart's content!
The Kristoff Kristania Maduro cigar boasts the same binder/filler recipe as the fan-favorite original Kristoff Kristania cigar, including Dominican Habano tobacco throughout. But the natural-shade wrapper has been swapped for a darker Brazilian maduro leaf, showcasing a familiar performance with a more sinister attitude.
What does the Kristoff Kristania Maduro cigar taste like?
The Kristoff Kristania Maduro cigar is medium in body and loaded with dark and intoxicating flavor, including standout characteristics of charred oak, black pepper, bittersweet espresso, black licorice, and sweet mocha through the finish.