Kristoff Cigars was founded by Glen Case, operating in the boutique realm of the premium cigar market. As such, many Kristoff cigars arrive with a more premium price tag to match the level of care that goes into crafting each of their cigars. But in 2011, Kristoff sought to bring their loyal followers a cigar that could be smoked on a more regular basis, introducing the Kristoff Kristania cigar.
The catchy name came as a mashup of Glen Case's son and daughter's names, Kristofer and Brittany, becoming popular enough among cigar enthusiasts to receive a maduro-wrapped sequel in the years since (Kristoff Kristania Maduro). Handcrafted at the Charles Fairmorn Factory in the Dominican Republic, the Kristoff Kristania cigar boasts a classic Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper and Dominican Habano leaves throughout the binder/filler.
What does the Kristoff Kristania cigar taste like?
This is a medium-bodied smoke that places its focus on affordable flavor, including easily approachable notes of zesty cabinet spices, fresh-cut cedar, sweet cream, and touches of caramel.