Despite being one of the most beloved cigar styles in the world, the Kristoff Habano cigar is not the old mainstay you may expect within the Kristoff Cigars portfolio. Instead, this spicy Brazilian-heavy blend is actually among Kristoff's latest achievements, offering a multinational experience centered around the cigar's namesake Brazilian Habano wrapper.
This signature wrapper is secured over a Brazilian Sumatra binder and fillers of Nicaraguan and Dominican Habano leaves, bringing balance to the exotic tendencies of Brazil's rich growing conditions. The cigars are rolled alongside Kristoff's full portfolio at the boutique-minded Charles Fairmorn Factory in the Dominican Republic, boasting top-notch construction and intricate pigtail caps on each cigar.
What does the Kristoff Habano cigar taste like?
The Kristoff Habano cigar is medium in body and classic yet rich in character. Expect standout flavors of zesty cabinet spice, rich vegetation, buttery cracker, and pecan pie sweetness.