Why do Connecticut cigars have to be mild? Truth be told, they don't! And Kristoff Cigars is helping to put a stop to this tired notion with the Kristoff Connecticut cigar, offering big amounts of flavor to go along with a smooth texture and delicate strength.
The Kristoff Connecticut cigar is the second Connecticut from Kristoff, being joined by the more exotic Kristoff Shade Grown, which uses a Connecticut wrapper grown in Honduras. With the Kristoff Connecticut cigar, the wrapper is grown in the more conventional region of Ecuador, making use of the area's natural cloud coverage that lends so well to shade-grown leaf. This makes for a silky smooth Connecticut wrapper, secured over a Nicaraguan Habano binder and a quadruple Dominican Habano-seed filler.
What does the Kristoff Connecticut cigar taste like?
Smooth in texture and bright and vibrant in flavor, the Kristoff Connecticut cigar is one that begs to be enjoyed day or night! This cigar is mild to medium in intensity, coating the palate in a blanket of flavor, including clean cedar, sweet florals, buttered crackers, and sweet malt.