What does it mean to be number one? To be the best. To lead the way. You could ask Joya de Nicaragua, as they have been a leader in the premium cigar industry for multiple decades. Originally named the Nicaragua Cigar Company when it was founded in 1968, Joya de Nicaragua has produced some of the most recognized Nicaraguan cigars throughout the world. So it is only fitting that they created a cigar intended to be given as a diplomatic gift by Nicaraguan ambassadors. Enter the Joya de Nicaragua Número Uno cigar.
This cigar embodies all that is beloved in Nicaraguan tobacco. The Numero Uno cigar is part of Joya de Nicaragua’s Obras Maestras Series, or Masterpieces Series, and was originally available in the L’Ambassadeur size. In short order, the Numero Uno cigar became one of the most sought-after blends in Joya de Nicaragua's portfolio. Naturally, the masses wanted to see multiple sizes in this rich Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade cigar. In response, Joya De Nicaragua has released the Le Premier cigar size extension.
This 6⅞” x 48 cigar is the largest vitola in the Number Uno cigar lineup, and is truly worthy of being enjoyed by the world's elite. The clean look of the light and buttery-smooth wrapper is adorned with a fantail cap, almost as if it has been crowned king of Nicaraguan cigars. Beneath lies a rich and flavorful blend of all Nicaraguan tobacco in an expression of decadence that has to be tried firsthand to be fully understood.
What does the JDN Numero Uno Le Premier cigar taste like?
Perfectly balanced and full of flavor. The Numero Uno Le Premier cigar will likely become your “Number One” go-to Connecticut Shade cigar. Expect creamy, Cubanesque notes of leather, cedar, toast, and brown sugar sweetness.