The JOYA Cabinetta Lancero cigar is the third addition to the modernized JOYA collection by Joya de Nicaragua. Although technically older than the JOYA Red and JOYA Black cigars, the Cabinetta has been revamped to complete the trilogy. This transformation has taken the beloved Cabinetta series' mild blend and enhanced it to appeal to the modern cigar enthusiast. A standout feature of this cigar is its distinctive “capa doble,” where the wrapper transitions from light to dark under the band. In the updated JOYA Cabinetta, the secondary dark Criollo wrapper is now more prominent, offering a noticeable flavor transition from smooth and mild to spicy and robust.
What does the JOYA Cabinetta Lancero cigar taste like?
Measuring at a sleek 7½” x 38, the JOYA Cabinetta Lancero is crafted to deliver a dynamic smoking experience for the connoisseur. This cigar features Nicaraguan fillers and binder, with dual wrappers of Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade and Nicaraguan Habana Criollo. The initial light offers creamy and mild flavors, making it an excellent pairing with morning coffee. As you progress through the smoke, the dark Criollo wrapper introduces fiery spices, transitioning the profile to a robust and spicy finish. This evolution in flavor ensures a balanced yet exciting experience from start to finish, perfect for enthusiasts who appreciate complexity and depth in their cigars.