Joya de Nicaragua Antaño CT was introduced—much to the delight of fans of fuller-bodied Connecticuts—in 2019, helping to round out the company's most well-known Antaño series of premium cigars.
The original Antaño 1970 cigar sent shockwaves through the cigar world upon its introduction in the early 2000s, sufficiently upping the ante in terms of high-intensity smoking experiences (a trend that has continued in virtually every corner of cigar-smoking styles to this day).
But today's smoker doesn't just crave high-intensity Habanos, or even maduros, they seek palate-smacking Connecticut-style cigars as well! For this reason, Joya de Nicaragua showcased their interpretation of a "modern Connecticut" with the Antaño Connecticut (CT). Donning a smooth Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper over all-Nicaraguan binder/fillers, this is one smoke that's bite is worse than its bark! Smokers are treated to a fiery ignition of white pepper and horseradish through the retrohale; this medium-bodied Connie then unwinds to showcase high-flavored qualities of white oak, heavy cream, buttered crackers, and loads of sweet nougat.
Connecticuts are geared for the mild-mannered no more...