Among the most popular blends in the fan-favorite JFR line are the Lunatic Habano and Lunatic Maduro cigars, which offer a range of mega-sized cigars for the modern cigar hobbyist.
Translating to The Mountain, the La Montaña size weighs in at a massive 7" x 70 in stature. This mountain is jam-packed with Nicaraguan tobaccos, being used throughout the cigar's binder and filler. The cigar is then wrapped in a hearty Mexican San Andrés maduro wrapper, boosting the experience with a dark and flavor-forward smoking experience.
What does the JFR Lunatic Maduro La Montaña cigar taste like?
The JFR Lunatic Maduro La Montaña cigar is an everyman's maduro, offering long smoking sessions of two hours without breaking the bank. This maduro is loaded with flavor, hitting standout characteristics of toasted oak, bittersweet espresso, and cocoa. Whether mowing the lawn or lounging in the garage, the JFR Lunatic Maduro La Montaña cigar gets the job done maintenance free. You'd have to be out of your mind not to stock up on this Lunatic...