JFR Cigars by Aganorsa Leaf are often considered one of the best-kept secrets in the world of affordably priced premium cigars. This is due to Aganorsa Leaf's exceptionally well-positioned vertical integration, owning multiple farms throughout Nicaragua (among the largest growers of premium Nicaraguan tobacco in the world), as well as top-ranked factories and even their own distribution. These factors allow Aganorsa to craft a unique smoking experience that could easily sell for twice its modest price point.
JFR ("Just for Retailers") Corojo stands as the core expression in the JFR lineup. Here, enthusiasts are introduced to the legendary quality of Aganorsa-grown tobacco. This meticulously grown tobacco stems from Cuban seed exclusively, being incorporated throughout the JFR Corojo's filler, binder, and wrapper (i.e. a true Nicaraguan puro). As the cigar's name suggests, the wrapper is harvested from the company's prized Corojo varietal, allowing for a nostalgic experience not unlike that of Cuba's heyday of the 1940s–1960s. The complete smoking experience ranks as medium in body, showcasing smooth and easily approachable flavors of graham crackers, salted butter, toasted sourdough, cabinet spices, and freshly cut cedar.