The INCH Natural cigar by E.P. Carrillo combines two of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo's signature cigarmaking attributes: large ring gauges and Sumatra wrappers. Debuting shortly after Carrillo launched his own factory and brand in the early 2010s, the INCH Natural cigar brought forth the insightful concept of focusing on the dimensions of the growing popularity of gordo-sized cigars. As a cigar's ring gauge is measured by 64ths of an inch, the INCH cigar's headlining format is rolled with a 64 gauge, being an inch in diameter.
It's a playful theme that includes cigar bands made to resemble a ruler; but don't let that distract from the smoking experience, which gets down to business from the moment flame hits tobacco! Speaking of which, the INCH Natural makes use of a premium Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and fillers of Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.
Q: What does the INCH Natural cigar taste like?
A: Master Blender Ernesto Perez-Carrillo was truly on his game when crafting the INCH Natural cigar. This flavor-forward beauty boasts a medium-full body and an energetic profile, with standout qualities of seasoned nuts, cedar, sweet caramel, and nutmeg.