Illusione brand owner, Dion Giolito, first debuted the Illusione Ultra cigar in 2006 with the MKULTRA, essentially operating as a beefed up version of the standard Illusione mk cigar. The concept took hold, and the full Ultra lineup debuted in 2011.
At the time, the cigars were rolled in Honduras, making use of inordinately dark wrappers over Nicaraguan binder/fillers. But the change was made a few years later to consolidate production, bringing the Illusione Ultra cigar to Nicaragua to be rolled alongside the Illusione Original Documents cigars that the Ultra blend is based upon. During this transition, the blend was altered as well, now showcasing a lighter AAA Grade Corojo Colorado Rosado wrapper over a blend of Nicaraguan Corojo '99 and Criollo '98 tobaccos (including a heavy dose of ligero from two regions of Nicaragua, which gives the blend its strength).
What does the Illusione Ultra cigar taste like?
The Illusione Ultra cigars is familiar yet fiery; not unlike your old Honda after installing that aftermarket turbo kit... Expect Nicaraguan intensity without compromising on flavor and complexity, with full-bodied notes of black pepper, leather, anise, and dark chocolate.