It's no conspiracy that Illusione's cigars have captivated the palates of seasoned cigar enthusiasts since the brand's debut in 2006. A leader in the space of boutique-style cigars, Illusione's fine-tuned profiles stem from two key factors: Grade A tobaccos and company owner, Dion Giolito's, sharp palate.
After laying low for a few years, content to focus on a small yet strong portfolio, Illusione debuted the Fume D'Amour cigar in 2014. The cigars used a similar strategy to one of the brand's former most popular releases—Illusione Epernay—where low-priming leaves provided the core of the recipe. Forgoing ligero (the highest, strongest leaf on the plant), Dion shifts the focus from strength and intensity to finesse and complexity. The Illusione Fume D'Amour cigar begins with low-priming Nicaraguan Criollo '98 and Corojo '99 tobaccos throughout the core of the cigar; this is finished with a AAA Grade cafe Corojo wrapper, being darker yet similarly refined when compared to the Epernay.
What does the Illusione Fume D'Amour cigar taste like?
Balanced and thoroughly complex. The Illusione Fume D'Amour cigar is mild to medium in body, lingering long on the palate with nuances of almond butter, fresh-cut cedar, gingersnap cookie, and delicate baking spice.