Boutique cigars are an important part of the premium cigar industry. Small-batch craftsmanship, an extra attention to detail, and a knack for innovation; boutique cigar brands create some of the tastiest and most complex cigars on the market today. Add to the list the Illusione Cruzado cigar.
Created as tribute to master illusionist Harry Houdini, the Illusione Cruzado cigar is an artful representation of everything that’s great about boutique cigars. Starting with its oily and silky smooth Corojo rosado wrapper and ending with a Criollo-dominant blend of tobaccos. The Illusione Cruzado cigar shows a commitment to flavor and quality the brand has become known for.
What does the Illusione Cruzado cigar taste like?
A testament to complexity and flavor, the Illusione Cruzado cigar delivers medium-to-full-bodied notes of black coffee, tangy leather, and oak, all with a delightfully light spice on the finish.