In 2015 the non-Cuban iteration of Hoyo de Monterrey—among the oldest continuously active cigar brands in history—began modernizing its presence, debuting a clean new look and a bold new HOYO moniker. This evolved in 2016 to include a collaborative spinoff brand by renowned Master Blender A.J. Fernández, dubbed Hoyo La Amistad. The cigars proved popular in humidors across the country, expanding in the years following to include a wide range of smoking profiles under the Hoyo La Amistad name.
Case in point is the Hoyo La Amistad Black, a medium-to-full-bodied experience with a diverse, multinational tobacco blend. This begins with a highly specific Ecuadoran Sumatra oscuro wrapper, which is secured over a Mexican San Andrés binder and Nicaraguan Habano fillers. This is an exciting recipe that translates to dark and satisfying flavor characteristics of charred oak, bitter-sweet espresso, red pepper flakes, roasted nuts, and dark stone fruit sweetness.