Hoyo de Monterrey is, as many can attest, one of the best-known cigars the world over, first being crafted in Cuba in 1865 and later splitting into Honduras following the Cuban Revolution. Most recently, the latter non-Cuban form of Hoyo de Monterrey has modernized itself with a suite of cigars known as Hoyo La Amistad. This began with the Hoyo La Amistad Gold and has since expanded to include the Hoyo La Amistad Silver, Hoyo La Amistad Black, and Hoyo La Amistad Dark Sumatra cigars.
La Amistad translates to mean Friendship, describing the relationship between Hoyo de Monterrey and Master Blender A.J. Fernández, who produces each of the La Amistad blends at his renowned factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. With the Hoyo La Amistad Dark Sumatra cigar, hobbyists are treated to equal parts old and new, as the blend has been in existence for two decades—now revived by A.J. Fernández and his talented artisans. This includes the cigar's namesake dark Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper, joined by a Connecticut Broadleaf binder and fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic.
What does the Hoyo La Amistad Dark Sumatra cigar taste like?
Full in body and full in flavor, the Hoyo La Amistad Dark Sumatra cigar is everything die-hard cigar fanatics crave. The smoke is heavy on the tongue, cutting to the core of the palate with sinister characteristics of charred oak, dark chocolate, black licorice, and sweet molasses.