Step 1: Choose a Cigar Cutter Type: You will first need to pick out what style of cigar cutter you want. Your options consist of:
Step 2: Choose Cigar: Get the cigar of your choice.
Step 3: Cut Cigar: Use your preferred cutter method and proceed with creating a smokable opening in your cigar.
Step 4: Remove Cut & Residue: Remove the end of the cut piece of cigar and dust off residue.
Test Draw: Test the draw by placing the cigar on your lips and inhaling. If your draw is not to your standards, repeat step 3.
Step 5: Light your cigar.
Step 6: Enjoy your cigar!
A straight cut is like giving your cigar a flat top haircut.
A V-Cut creates a V shape for the head, or the top of your cigar.
A Punch Cut punctures a little hole out of the head of your cigar.