Havana Q cigars are hand-rolled by J.C. Newman Cigar Co.—the oldest family-operated cigar company in America—at their Nicaraguan-based PENSA factory. Here, the company employs age-old Cuban cigar-crafting techniques in conjunction with a specially selected tobacco blend, geared to deliver an old-school smoking experience on par with Cuban-made Habanos from the country's glory days.
The signature ingredient of the Havana Q is the cigar's Cuban-seed wrapper. This leaf is grown at the foot of the Cotuguay Mountains of Ecuador, with the nutrient-rich soil and natural cloud cover providing a similar growing climate to that of Cuba's famed Pinar del Río growing region. This wrapper is joined by all-Nicaraguan tobaccos throughout the binder and filler, offering an all-around medium-bodied experience with nostalgic flavor characteristics of buttered toast, warm cabinet spices, freshly cut cedar, roasted nuts, and touches of cinnamon.