Experience a true classic with H. Upmann 1844 Reserve cigar in the petit Demitasse vitola. This is a rich and complex smoke, with highlights of barnyard hay, sweet cedar, oak, and a touch of pepper—a small cigar that is a popular choice for short smoking occasions where a premium complexity is still desired. These little cigars do not skimp on the premium mix of flavors that you love.
H. Upmann 1844 Reserve Demitasse cigars are available in bulk, price-conscious boxes of 60 cigars - a huge number of cigars at a huge discount. If you love the taste of sweet cedar and oak, you are really going to like this cigar! If you like it, please review it! Cigar reviews help us know what you love, and what you don't so that we can factor that in when we are finding and stocking new cigar options.