The H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar is a celebration of the brand’s long-standing history and craftsmanship, marking 180 years of excellence (a feat only accomplished by a handful of cigar brands in history). Produced in collaboration with master blender A.J. Fernández, this all-Nicaraguan cigar is crafted at his factory in Nicaragua, bringing together Fernández's expertise and the storied legacy of H. Upmann. The 180th Anniversary follows in the footsteps of the highly regarded 175th Anniversary release, but introduces a distinct blend that sets it apart. The cigar showcases a unique medio tiempo wrapper, a rare and prized tobacco leaf known for its strength and richness, grown from a special hybrid seed.
At the heart of the H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar is a robust blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, chosen to deliver a complex and satisfying smoking experience. The medio tiempo wrapper adds depth and intensity to the cigar, providing a bold, full-bodied profile that reflects the richness of the Nicaraguan soil. A.J. Fernández's signature blending style ensures that the cigar is both powerful and refined, offering an intricate balance of flavors that evolve throughout the smoke. The construction is impeccable, delivering a slow, even burn that allows the smoker to savor the cigar’s complexity from start to finish.
What does the H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar taste like?
The H. Upmann 180th Anniversary cigar delivers a full-bodied experience with bold flavors and a rich profile. Smokers can expect vibrant notes of earth, leather, and dark chocolate, balanced by subtle hints of black pepper and espresso. The medio tiempo wrapper adds an extra layer of depth, enhancing the overall richness of the blend without overwhelming the palate. The cigar’s construction ensures an even draw and a smooth, consistent burn, making it a fitting tribute to the brand’s 180-year legacy. Perfect for aficionados seeking a strong yet balanced smoke, this release captures the essence of H. Upmann’s heritage and craftsmanship.