Always on the move in search of new experiences for the flavor-hungry cigar enthusiast, Gurkha partnered with the boutique-minded Tabacalera El Artista factory in the Dominican Republic to introduce a pair of cigars under the Revenant banner.
The Gurkha Revenant brand consists of the Gurkha Revenant Corojo and Gurkha Revenant Maduro cigars. Each blend centers around an exotic Cameroon binder, a leaf that is more commonly found as the wrapper component. The Revenant Corojo cigar pairs this leaf with a Honduran Corojo wrapper and diverse fillers of Dominican Criollo ’98, Nicaraguan, and Broadleaf tobaccos. The Revenant Maduro cigar features a dark Mexican San Andrés wrapper and fillers of Nicaragua, Broadleaf, and a T13 hybrid leaf from El Artista's Dominican fields.
What do the Gurkha Revenant cigars taste like?
These classy beasts are medium-plus to medium-full in body, with the Gurkha Revenant Corojo cigar bringing classic flavors of cedar, cabinet spice, roasted nuts, and caramel. Meanwhile, the Gurkha Revenant Maduro cigar turns toward darker notes of earth, black pepper, sweet molasses, and mocha.