Gurkha Cigars is known for many pioneering achievements in the realm of premium cigars, one of which being their infusion process with the finest spirits in the world. Such is the case with the Gurkha Grand Reserve cigar, which Gurkha themselves describe as their "flagship cigar."
Through a tightly guarded process, Gurkha imparts the refined complexities of Louis XIII cognac into each Gurkha Grand Reserve cigar. The cognac combines with the cigar's five-year aged Connecticut wrapper and three-year aged Dominican binder/filler, producing a layered smoking experience for the flavor-craved palate.
What does the Gurkha Grand Reserve cigar taste like?
A unique specimen, no doubt, the Gurkha Grand Reserve cigar is mild-medium in body and stacked with complexity, including nuances of sage, butterscotch, raw honey, dried fruit, and vanilla.